OCA Economics intervient au Sommet du Droit Actualités FR 2016 Les spécificités du préjudice de contrefaçon

Round Table “Strategies and key investigative tools in the complex financial and commercial cases”

Round Table “Strategies and key investigative tools in the complex financial and commercial cases”


The round table “Strategies and key investigative tools in the field of complex financial and commercial matters” was held in Sarajevo.

The aim of the event was to strengthen the interdisciplinary approach of complex financial investigations and to develop common grounds for technical and strategical advances to increase efficiency.


The participants were prosecutors and investigators from different Prosecutors’ Offices, and representatives from Law Enforcement Agencies and Tax Authorities.


The first day was dedicated to the presentation of “How to detect and identify financial and accounting crime in business companies? Methods and procedures of the financial and accounting criminality” by Mr Mikael Ouaniche, EU Expert. Mr Ouaniche is a chartered accountant and external auditor, expert witness registered at both the Court of Appeal of Paris and the International Criminal Court (ICC).


Three days were further devoted to the presentation of the case study “Legal and operational challengesof complex financial and economic criminal investigations – strategy and investigative techniques” which was prepared by Mr Renaud Van Ruymbeke, EU Expert, who is a former Dean of the Investigative Judges, specialized in very complex financial and economic cases at the Court of Paris. This cases study was tailor-made specifically for this Round Table. It dealt with offenses related to procurement, corruption, tax evasion and money laundering in the context of offshore bank accounts in multiple countries as well as dummy companies. This exercise and subsequent discussion took the participants through the phases of prosecutorial strategy. This was the occasion to discuss mutual legal assistance matters and seizure and confiscation of assets as well.


Experts Mr Marc Brisset-Foucault Honorary Deputy Prosecutor General and former investigative judge specialised in financial crimes and Mr Claude Chaillou Investigator specialised in very complex tax frauds in the Judicial Inquiries Service of Finance presented “The first and key investigative steps to be taken during the making investigative decision process to address the study case”.






